Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village

Tulalip Bay Water System Improvements Phases 2, 3A and 3B

SOQ Solicitation No. PublicWorks-SOQ-01-17-2023

Project Manager:

Nicole Smith
Tulalip Tribes
Roads and Transportation Senior Project Manager
6406 Marine Drive
Tulalip, Washington 98271

The Tulalip Public Works/Tulalip Utilities (Owner) is seeking qualified applicants for engineering services for Phases 2 and 3A & 3B of the Mission Beach, 88th Street, Fryberg Estates, Hermosa Beach, and Waterworks Road Water System Improvement project. Offerors must be local engineering firms with a background and experience in water system design and engineering. All designs, technical specification packages, and reports must be sealed by a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Washington.