Schedule A- Battle Creek Roads
This Contract provides for the rehabilitation of the existing streets within the Battle Creek neighborhood. The existing pavement surface and subgrade along Alphonsus Bob Loop Road, Lloyd Hatch Sr. Drive, Wesley Charles Road, Ernie Cladoosby Road and Thomas Gobin Lane, totaling approximately 5,660 lineal feet, will be removed and replaced with new gravel surfacing and hot mix asphalt. This work will also include adjusting existing castings to grade, pavement markings, traffic control and erosion control. In addition, a new road, 28th Avenue NW, will be constructed between Totem Beach Road and Wesley Charles Road. Site preparation, including clearing and grubbing, excavation, grading will be included along with storm drainage improvements, new cement concrete curb, gutters and sidewalks, curb ramps, new illumination system, placement of gravel material and asphalt pavements, temporary traffic control, erosion control and miscellaneous surface restoration, and other work all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Special Provisions and the Standard Specifications. The project is located on the Tulalip Reservation.
Schedule B - Mission Hill Roads
This Contract provides for the rehabilitation of Mission Hill Road from Mission Beach Road to the Tulalip Recovery Center, approximately 610 linear feet. This work will include for the removal of the existing pavement section, placement of new gravel surfacing, hot mix asphalt, removal and replacement of cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks and curb ramps, adjusting existing castings to grade, pavement markings, traffic control, erosion control and miscellaneous surface restoration. The project is located on the Tulalip Reservation.
Plans and specifications for the project can be accessed on the following web page:
The Tulalip Tribes anticipates the project will be under way in 30 days and completed within approximately 80 working days. /p>