Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village

RFP for 2023 Tulalip Tribes Bridge Inspections

Project No. RFP-2023-001

Project Coordinator:

Christina Parker

Tulalip Tribes, Transportation Department Manager
6406 Marine Drive
Tulalip, Washington 98271-8088

Project Description:
The Tulalip Tribes of Washington ("Tribes") are soliciting proposals from qualified firms to conduct and complete three (3) bridge inspections including the Quil Ceda Boulevard Bridge, the Quil Ceda Parkway Bridge, and the Railroad Bridge over I-5 (Bridge No. 5/655). The work also includes a load rating for the Quil Ceda Boulevard Bridge.

It is assumed that the Quil Ceda Boulevard Bridge has not previously been inspected and a load rating has not been completed. The Quil Ceda Parkway bridge was previously inspected, and load rating was prepared in 2014. It is assumed that traffic control will not be required for the Quil Ceda Boulevard and Quil Ceda Parkway bridges.

Inspection for the Railroad Bridge over I-5 will require temporary traffic control plans, temporary traffic control and coordination with WSDOT. Inspection will likely be conducted at night during low volume traffic hours. The selected firm shall provide these services.

Each bridge shall be billed separately.
The National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) mandate that all bridges on public roads be inspected at a minimum of two-year intervals. It is noted that there is no specific inspection requirement for tribally owned bridges. However, for tribally owned bridges to participate in the Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program (IRRBP) and be eligible for Federal funding, a tribally owned bridge must be inspected and placed in the National Bridge Inventory (NBI).