Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village

RFP for Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan Update

Project No. RFP-2023-007-PW

Project Manager :

Nicole Smith
Senior Project Manager

Project Description:
The Tulalip Tribes of Washington (Tribes) is currently seeking Proposals from qualified firms to provide Consulting Services for an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (ISWMP) Update. The existing ISWMP has exceeded its planned duration and requires an update. The update to the ISWMP will include a comprehensive evaluation of the existing solid waste generated by customers of the Tulalip Tribes Solid Waste Division. The evaluation of future waste disposal and recycling needs will also be included in the ISWMP. The ISWMP will include capital facility program planning and capital improvement project budgeting.

Submittal Requirements:
The following categories will be used to evaluate the competitiveness of bids received.

  • Qualifications/Expertise of Organization - 10 points
  • Qualifications of Proposed Staff - 20 points
  • Experience Working with Tribes – 20 points
  • Proposed Project Approach - 30 points
  • Proposed Cost per Work Item - 20 points

Provision of a detailed cost proposal based upon the Scope of Work items and certified by signature as being valid for at least 180 days is required. A company fee schedule detailing all personnel billing rates is also required.

Proposals must be received electronically via email to the project manager, Sam Davis, Interim COO, at sdavis@tulaliptribes‐ and Nicole Smith at nicolesmith@tulaliptribes‐ no later than 2:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time, June 12, 2023. No hard copy proposals will be accepted. Faxed submittals will not be accepted. If the file size is larger than 15 MB, contact the project manager for alternative submission options. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that electronic submissions are received by the established deadline.