Allison Warner
Wetland Program Coordinator
Quil Ceda Village
8802 27th Ave NE
Tulalip, Washington 98271
Project Description:
The Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a field drainage analysis to determine stream connectivity and flow patterns within the Coho Creek and Sturgeon Creek drainages onsite. The goal is to determine which ditches have connectivity to jurisdictional tributaries of Quil Ceda Creek and fish presence as well. The project areas are located primarily west of 27th Ave NE, within Quil Ceda Village, in the vicinity of 88th St NE to 116th St NE, in the area formerly known as the Boeing Test Site. (see attached maps and RFP).
In response to questions received for additional information, QCV is providing these additional maps for potential bidders with locations of known and mapped culverts. This is not necessarily the entire list of culverts, and part of the objective of the RFP is to GPS locations of all culverts in the Project Areas A-G. PLEASE NOTE: the ‘Existing culverts’ layer shown on the maps (larger blue symbol), are estimated locations digitized for this layer; whereas Tulalip culverts (smaller blue symbol) are field verified GPS points. In many or most cases- green dots (connectivity junctions) are culvert locations field verified GPS points.
Pre-bid site visits will be conducted on Wednesday, October 25, at 1000 AM and 1:00 PM PST.
RFP Proposals Due Date: COB November 6, 2023.